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horoscope forecast.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007 11:40 PM | 0 notes
Monthly Forecast for the month of November
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller There are certain souls who wake up on their birthday with a big grin on their face, and cheerily chirp to everyone they meet, "It's my birthday! It's my birthday!" and then invite lots of friends to help them celebrate. <- certainly it is not me. I will never do that. I prefer to let it lie low.. as low as possible. Just wish that those who need to know know that it's my birthday. I don't need the whole world to know. After all, aging is not a good thing to spread around. You've always been more of a private person, and you often feel a little embarrassed when people compliment you or shower you with gifts. <- yeah.. this is more like me. Compliment. i don't need it. I know how i fare. There's no need for people to tell me. I hate to accept gifts. Feels so awkward. Just like there are worms wriggling on me.
Part of that reason probably stems from having a strong inner core. You know your worth, for as a Scorpio you know it's not what others think of you that counts, but what you think of yourself that matters more. <- wah.. smart ar.. i explained liao.. u explained it again... yours in a tactful way. Mine hurting ar. haha
This month, however, you might let go a little and indulge in all the celebrations that others will want to give you. This will be a glorious month, much different from birthday months of past years, and if there were ever a reason to celebrate, it's now. <- a little ba.. i never celebrate ever since i was a teenager. haha. My sis will remember for me and get me a cake. This year i lugi loh. Must treat them because of the irritating 21st bd.. What is so special about 21st year of one's life?
Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is orbiting very close to your ruler, Pluto, and when these powerhouse planets are found together in a chart, it always is an astrological signature for success. This is an exceedingly rare aspect that will reach a peak on December 11, but these two powerhouse planets are already close enough to heap lots of luck on you as early as November. <- does it mean if i buy toto, i will strike first prize?
Jupiter is the planet of outstanding good fortune and Pluto is the planet of transformation. Jupiter's ability to expand all that it touches means that Jupiter will expand Pluto's power. This could be volcanic in importance, and gigantic in its benefits to you. Next month you will see the full force of this energy, but as said, you should start to see glimmerings of life improving now, immediately. <- sounds like a lot of money is coming in. hohoho Next month.... o.. christmas! Season of giving. i don't celebrate either. =.=
To give you an idea of how lucky this aspect is, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in their natal charts. Those two men have these aspects forever, as the conjunction is embedded in their birth charts. The rest of us will only get to enjoy this configuration in December, but hey, who cares? It's a wonderful aspect, so take it and enjoy it for all it is worth. <- i will just go with the flow. what's the fuss.
The last time Jupiter and Pluto met in conjunction, it was 1994. <- where was i? It often takes a while to feel the fullness of such a vital and rare aspect. You may take up an opportunity or business deal that looks small at the onset, but then, a few months from now see it grow and grow into something so large it changes your life forever. There are many ways that this may manifest, but a feature that this aspect usually has is that an opportunity is given from a very powerful benefactor, international company, or the government (say through one of its programs or by getting a special contract). <- big changes u mean? hmm.. i only want $$$ $.$
Also, think back: Is there any endeavor you started in 1994 or 1995 that is still in your life today? If so, would you like to grow it, add to it, or end it? You will have a chance to decide soon. If you want to end it, you will have a chance to start something new. If you love what you started back then, you can nurture that endeavor to new heights. <- u are getting a bit too chim for me to understand.
Next month will be quite lucrative for you - money should come in bucketfuls. This will be money you earn, not win, giving you reason to be proud. You and I will discuss next month's aspects in great detail in your December forecast, but I thought I would give you a head's up on things now. The aspects at play in December will have the power to change your life for the better for the coming years, for it's that important. <- alright, noted.
Your big moment in November will arrive at the new moon November 9. What makes this special is that this new moon will be in Scorpio and will be perfectly angled to Mars, your secondary ruler, and to Uranus, the planet of surprise. Mars, Uranus, the Sun, and new moon will work together to bring you one desire dear to your heart. You will have to reach out and set things in motion, but if you do, you will feel that the universe is behind you nearly one hundred percent. <- ok..i tried studying stars and planets once. But too many for me to understand. So, are u asking me to grab the chance when it comes? Work hard then.
Mathematically, this will be a very tight alliance of planets, which is rare and therefore unusually harmonious. Since this new moon will be in Scorpio, you will get to decide how to use this energy. You can direct it in any way you please! <- woo.. sounds like magic.
I can give you clues, however, of areas where you may be drawn, based on where these planets are based. Uranus will be in your fifth house of creativity, so this new moon may bring you the ideal setting to show off your talents. Set aside time to experiment with your craft and see where it all leads you. <- what talent do i have? sad ar. Just a comment.
This new moon, working with Mars, may also bring you opportunities in foreign countries, or an ability to travel quite far, possibly abroad. You may get a chance to do import-export trade, or write for an important foreign publication. You may have a book you've written be translated into another language or you may be invited abroad to speak or consult. Intellectual vistas will now open up for you in a big way. If you want to go back to the university to get a degree, you should send your application in the days that closely follow November 9 - don't wait too long! If you have entrance interviews or exams you need to take to be admitted, this would be a fine month to schedule them, especially if you do so between November 9 and 13. If you need a visa or citizenship papers, you can make a great deal of progress just after November 9. The courts system will now work in your favor too, so if you have a case to bring, file your papers just after this new moon appears, knowing this would be one of the most ideal months of the year to do so. The media is also a lucky area for you. If you work in television, radio, or print media, opportunities could easily arise from this area, either as a producer, writer, or other member of the staff, or as a guest. Finally, spirituality will be another emerging theme this month, so, for example, you may go to a retreat, seminar, or other group event that includes a well known lecturer who will give you many stimulating ideas to reflect upon later. Since this new moon is in Scorpio, you can choose other areas of gain that I have not mentioned - this is your month, and you alone get to decide how to direct all this good energy. If your birthday falls on November 9, or within five days of this date, you will be excited by what comes up this month, for sure! <- should i be happy that my bd falls just nice.. heng heng. the last day of the 5 days after the 9th? U are tempting me.
There is one little tricky point to the month I need to let you know about. Mars will begin to retrograde on November 15 and remain in this mode until January 30. This means you will need to get your most important decisions and initiations done early in November, before Mars retrogrades. <- oh man... good things doesn't last forever ar.
When any planet retrogrades, it becomes lethargic, so you aren't easily able to access its best qualities. Mars is known to give energy, drive, courage, and determination. Now that Mars will retrograde, we will all have to try harder to supply ourselves with what Mars is not going to be giving us freely. Things may seem a little more of a struggle. This does not mean you should give up - not at all. It just means that you won't see your projects fall into place quite as easily until you get to February. <- tough days until feb 08 i guess. No worries. It said 2006 was a bad year for me but i survived through. Small case.
This is why it would be best to act quickly this month, just after the new moon, November 9, and before the retrograde, November 15, when conditions will be as close to perfect as possible. I particularly like November 10 - 12 when you will have a loving universe behind you all the way. In astrology we know that it really does matter when you choose to take your first steps, so those days are yours. In your career, things should be going so well for you! You've paid your dues during the past two years and now that you've earned the trust of higher ups, you should soon be seeing the rewards. You may have recently received a promotion (or will soon), and if so, your salary and other earned income should go up too, in December. (Oddly, money and promotion were not likely to come at the same time, with the promotion coming first, and then the rise in salary.) <- haha.. i think i need a good job first. Then discuss about the promotion and pay raise.
If you are self-employed, it will not be as hard for you to generate new business or to manage your staff. In every way, things are getting better. <- i want to. badly!
One of your stellar days this month for your career will be November 7, when your vision and creativity should be rewarded in a very substantial way. It's clear you will convince a certain VIP of your value on this day, so make sure you schedule an important meeting or presentation. <- perhaps u are referring to interview?
If you need to move to a new house or apartment, or have other housing or real estate concerns, you should see a breakthrough near November 24, and in the days surrounding that date. <- this wont happen yet.
Stay very optimistic about home and family matters, confident that you will find the right situation or solution, even if your luck was not that strong in recent months. Due to the movements of Uranus this month and Neptune last month, you have a very different environment emerging. You will see progress not only at month's end but also in months to come. Early February may prove to be an especially vital time for real estate progress, possibly your best, but you can see some upbeat changes already at the end of November. Romantically, you have a very strong month, as Uranus, now in your fifth house of true love, is being very cooperative to other planets. If you are single and do meet someone new, your meeting would likely come suddenly, when you least expect one to occur. Watch the days surrounding November 24, when Uranus will go direct after having been retrograde since the end of June. This is an enormously important change that will help your love life. You should see a change in the days surrounding that date - some sort of sign that clearly tells you that a new day is dawning! Attached Scorpios will get into better sync too and can now look forward to a truly happy holiday season. Discussions about children or a new baby could easily come up now and it will be up to you to decide what you would like to do. Most romantic evenings: November 7, 9 - 11, and 21. <- woo.. how do i get romantic. i am soooooo not romantic. i yearn for romantic but i reject romantic. argh. i will cry. When it comes to health, you are in an especially strong position. If you need an operation or procedure (including dental work), you may decide to have it done near November 24 due to the full moon bringing things to fullness. <- i actually want to see the dentist one of the day.. half year le... cant make it on time. Need one month booking in advance.
If you plan to have elective surgery, such as cosmetic surgery, you may want to wait until Mars goes direct. However, Mercury will be retrograde again at the end of January, so it would be better, actually, to wait until March and bypass the eclipse at the end of February. In March, Mars will be in Gemini, so any operation would be fine to schedule, EXCEPT surgery on your hands, fingers, shoulders, ribs, or arms. (We never chose to operate on the part of the body that is ruled by the sign that Mars is visiting at the time.) <- der~~
At month's end, the full moon will emphasize money matters too, bringing to culmination matters centering on credit, loans, and joint funds. The type of funds you may be thinking about include such examples as: venture capital, mortgage or refinancing plans, commissions, royalties, child support payments, insurance payments, pensions, inheritance, or financial aid - there are more areas, but you get the idea. If you need to settle the division of property in a divorce, it would most likely happen at this point. If money comes in, it would come to you in one large chunk. If you owe money, it seems to require a check equally large, but you seem to have enough to cover the amount due. So as you see, money may come in, money may go out, or you may experience a little of both. Dear Scorpio, you truly have a wonderful birthday month, and next month your outlook gets even better. You have so much to look forward to, so don't be too concerned with what happens at this full moon. With your golden aspects, there will be no clouds to mar your glorious month. Summary <-aiya... should read this instead.. dots.
It's birthday month, and you're feeling excited. Romance is in the air and life seems as close to ideal as you've ever seen it. Planets creating a near-perfect triangle pattern will work in unison to help create quite a bewitching time for you. Exciting romantic episodes and foreign travel will combine to create a month to remember for a long time - even forever. While you have the first few days (November 4 and 7) to help you get closer to your heart's desires, the month will really take off once the new moon arrives, November 9. In the few days that follow that new moon, you'll be ready to tell the universe what it is that you really want - and get it. Love with someone near will be true and deep now, and you will have the capability to feel the full extent of life's pleasures. You may now get engaged or wed for your birthday - if this hasn't just recently happened, it would be an ideal time. Later, when Uranus turns direct on November 24 your social life will take off, and single Scorpios who have been saying there have been "slim pickings" out there will be delighted at the more substantial types that will show up. If things have been a bit dull, they won't be that way for long! Uranus has been out of phase since June 23, but will now move in a strong, sure course. Your weeks and months ahead will be chock full of wonder and light. There will be so many days to enjoy ahead! Foreign travel is also such a strong possibility that if you're not flying to a faraway land for a honeymoon, it surely could be that you're planning a trip for another reason. Mars, your ruler, will go retrograde on November 15, so try to go during the first half of the month when your journey will be more enjoyable and productive. If you are dealing with business interests abroad, the same rule applies - make a push for closure early in the month. Later, from November 15 to January 30, spend time reassessing your projects and delay on key actions. Certain financial deals and maneuvers will mark the time around the full moon, November 24. If you are to wed soon, you may be changing your name on your credit cards and generally deciding how to merge funds. If you need funds to buy a house, or to go to college, or start a business, an answer from your banker, financial aid advisor, or venture capitalist could please you at this time. While you may have to pay money out, you have a wonderful chart for seeing more flow in. There is no reason to be too concerned. Dear Scorpio, the world is your oyster! Matchmaker
I am Scorpio, My Lover is Taurus You are salt, Taurus is pepper; you are the cup, Taurus is the saucer. As opposite as you two are, you match up famously! Your Taurus lover is an earth sign, you are a water sign, and this adds up to one fertile mix! <- lol. we are fertilizer. haha
Neither of you is a social butterfly in the way an Aries or a Libra can be. <- anata is very sociable . At least more than i do. He does all the entertaining stuff all the time. hmm. You two love to stay home and listen to some music, or pop a good murder mystery into the VCR (Scorpio's suggestion) <- i do like to stay home and watch tv but not murder mystery. hehe. and pour a glass of fine red wine to have with some fruit. Afterwards, it's time to make love. <- i can't take alcohol. I can eat the fruit. <- =.= oh please.
You and Taurus have a good, healthy attitude toward sex. <- not again! =.= Weekends, according to both of you, are just made to while away together in bed. <- i like to sleep. k. Sexually, you answer one another's needs perfectly, and afterwards, you feel physically and emotionally fulfilled. <- undeniable. but.... Taurus are patient and like to take their time with lovemaking, much to your delight<- dots...not again. I know the horoscope always say scopions have high sex drive. But it does not apply to all... So please. Taurus will never rush, for they approach love the way they would approach a fine meal -- with relish, great anticipation, and a discriminating palate to make it a perfect experience overall. <- so sophisticated? ur english is supa powa. You, Scorpio, want to explore the depths of your Taurus lover's soul. <- wah..soul?! hmm.. sounded so shinigami. Even though your Taurus won't have the same need to know you all the way down to your bones, being an open person, your lover will tell you whatever you want to know. <- true in some other forms. He will always know exactly what i want which i am very proud of and like it most. This is especially good, for while you're curious about your Taurus, you don't like to reveal much about yourself in the beginning. <- indeed. I hate explaining. that makes me unable to become a teacher.
Both of you are possessive and prone to jealously, so luckily you understand each other. <- jealousy... hmm... yeap yeap. am i? hmmm...so far ok.. he is very guai. Your outbursts of temper won't ruffle this Venus-ruled lover. Taurus will just shake off your anger with a shrug, knowing these clouds will pass. <- with his naggings, u mean? You two favor a daily routine over constant changes in your lifestyle, which you both find exhausting and a waste of time. <- it all depends. If all's good, why change?
Fidelity will be strong in this match because neither of you could bear telling your life stories to one stranger after another. Your good sex life will help sustain years of closeness, <- so far so good. and your sensuous attitude will ensure that you continue to savor one another's charms. <- piggy's charm... xiaomao's charm... bleah... praising myself is really not very ME! This combination is a positive yes! <- so ....great!!! happy to see that. haha. Labels: All my nonsense
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horoscope forecast.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007 11:40 PM | 0 notes
Monthly Forecast for the month of November
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller There are certain souls who wake up on their birthday with a big grin on their face, and cheerily chirp to everyone they meet, "It's my birthday! It's my birthday!" and then invite lots of friends to help them celebrate. <- certainly it is not me. I will never do that. I prefer to let it lie low.. as low as possible. Just wish that those who need to know know that it's my birthday. I don't need the whole world to know. After all, aging is not a good thing to spread around. You've always been more of a private person, and you often feel a little embarrassed when people compliment you or shower you with gifts. <- yeah.. this is more like me. Compliment. i don't need it. I know how i fare. There's no need for people to tell me. I hate to accept gifts. Feels so awkward. Just like there are worms wriggling on me.
Part of that reason probably stems from having a strong inner core. You know your worth, for as a Scorpio you know it's not what others think of you that counts, but what you think of yourself that matters more. <- wah.. smart ar.. i explained liao.. u explained it again... yours in a tactful way. Mine hurting ar. haha
This month, however, you might let go a little and indulge in all the celebrations that others will want to give you. This will be a glorious month, much different from birthday months of past years, and if there were ever a reason to celebrate, it's now. <- a little ba.. i never celebrate ever since i was a teenager. haha. My sis will remember for me and get me a cake. This year i lugi loh. Must treat them because of the irritating 21st bd.. What is so special about 21st year of one's life?
Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is orbiting very close to your ruler, Pluto, and when these powerhouse planets are found together in a chart, it always is an astrological signature for success. This is an exceedingly rare aspect that will reach a peak on December 11, but these two powerhouse planets are already close enough to heap lots of luck on you as early as November. <- does it mean if i buy toto, i will strike first prize?
Jupiter is the planet of outstanding good fortune and Pluto is the planet of transformation. Jupiter's ability to expand all that it touches means that Jupiter will expand Pluto's power. This could be volcanic in importance, and gigantic in its benefits to you. Next month you will see the full force of this energy, but as said, you should start to see glimmerings of life improving now, immediately. <- sounds like a lot of money is coming in. hohoho Next month.... o.. christmas! Season of giving. i don't celebrate either. =.=
To give you an idea of how lucky this aspect is, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in their natal charts. Those two men have these aspects forever, as the conjunction is embedded in their birth charts. The rest of us will only get to enjoy this configuration in December, but hey, who cares? It's a wonderful aspect, so take it and enjoy it for all it is worth. <- i will just go with the flow. what's the fuss.
The last time Jupiter and Pluto met in conjunction, it was 1994. <- where was i? It often takes a while to feel the fullness of such a vital and rare aspect. You may take up an opportunity or business deal that looks small at the onset, but then, a few months from now see it grow and grow into something so large it changes your life forever. There are many ways that this may manifest, but a feature that this aspect usually has is that an opportunity is given from a very powerful benefactor, international company, or the government (say through one of its programs or by getting a special contract). <- big changes u mean? hmm.. i only want $$$ $.$
Also, think back: Is there any endeavor you started in 1994 or 1995 that is still in your life today? If so, would you like to grow it, add to it, or end it? You will have a chance to decide soon. If you want to end it, you will have a chance to start something new. If you love what you started back then, you can nurture that endeavor to new heights. <- u are getting a bit too chim for me to understand.
Next month will be quite lucrative for you - money should come in bucketfuls. This will be money you earn, not win, giving you reason to be proud. You and I will discuss next month's aspects in great detail in your December forecast, but I thought I would give you a head's up on things now. The aspects at play in December will have the power to change your life for the better for the coming years, for it's that important. <- alright, noted.
Your big moment in November will arrive at the new moon November 9. What makes this special is that this new moon will be in Scorpio and will be perfectly angled to Mars, your secondary ruler, and to Uranus, the planet of surprise. Mars, Uranus, the Sun, and new moon will work together to bring you one desire dear to your heart. You will have to reach out and set things in motion, but if you do, you will feel that the universe is behind you nearly one hundred percent. <- ok..i tried studying stars and planets once. But too many for me to understand. So, are u asking me to grab the chance when it comes? Work hard then.
Mathematically, this will be a very tight alliance of planets, which is rare and therefore unusually harmonious. Since this new moon will be in Scorpio, you will get to decide how to use this energy. You can direct it in any way you please! <- woo.. sounds like magic.
I can give you clues, however, of areas where you may be drawn, based on where these planets are based. Uranus will be in your fifth house of creativity, so this new moon may bring you the ideal setting to show off your talents. Set aside time to experiment with your craft and see where it all leads you. <- what talent do i have? sad ar. Just a comment.
This new moon, working with Mars, may also bring you opportunities in foreign countries, or an ability to travel quite far, possibly abroad. You may get a chance to do import-export trade, or write for an important foreign publication. You may have a book you've written be translated into another language or you may be invited abroad to speak or consult. Intellectual vistas will now open up for you in a big way. If you want to go back to the university to get a degree, you should send your application in the days that closely follow November 9 - don't wait too long! If you have entrance interviews or exams you need to take to be admitted, this would be a fine month to schedule them, especially if you do so between November 9 and 13. If you need a visa or citizenship papers, you can make a great deal of progress just after November 9. The courts system will now work in your favor too, so if you have a case to bring, file your papers just after this new moon appears, knowing this would be one of the most ideal months of the year to do so. The media is also a lucky area for you. If you work in television, radio, or print media, opportunities could easily arise from this area, either as a producer, writer, or other member of the staff, or as a guest. Finally, spirituality will be another emerging theme this month, so, for example, you may go to a retreat, seminar, or other group event that includes a well known lecturer who will give you many stimulating ideas to reflect upon later. Since this new moon is in Scorpio, you can choose other areas of gain that I have not mentioned - this is your month, and you alone get to decide how to direct all this good energy. If your birthday falls on November 9, or within five days of this date, you will be excited by what comes up this month, for sure! <- should i be happy that my bd falls just nice.. heng heng. the last day of the 5 days after the 9th? U are tempting me.
There is one little tricky point to the month I need to let you know about. Mars will begin to retrograde on November 15 and remain in this mode until January 30. This means you will need to get your most important decisions and initiations done early in November, before Mars retrogrades. <- oh man... good things doesn't last forever ar.
When any planet retrogrades, it becomes lethargic, so you aren't easily able to access its best qualities. Mars is known to give energy, drive, courage, and determination. Now that Mars will retrograde, we will all have to try harder to supply ourselves with what Mars is not going to be giving us freely. Things may seem a little more of a struggle. This does not mean you should give up - not at all. It just means that you won't see your projects fall into place quite as easily until you get to February. <- tough days until feb 08 i guess. No worries. It said 2006 was a bad year for me but i survived through. Small case.
This is why it would be best to act quickly this month, just after the new moon, November 9, and before the retrograde, November 15, when conditions will be as close to perfect as possible. I particularly like November 10 - 12 when you will have a loving universe behind you all the way. In astrology we know that it really does matter when you choose to take your first steps, so those days are yours. In your career, things should be going so well for you! You've paid your dues during the past two years and now that you've earned the trust of higher ups, you should soon be seeing the rewards. You may have recently received a promotion (or will soon), and if so, your salary and other earned income should go up too, in December. (Oddly, money and promotion were not likely to come at the same time, with the promotion coming first, and then the rise in salary.) <- haha.. i think i need a good job first. Then discuss about the promotion and pay raise.
If you are self-employed, it will not be as hard for you to generate new business or to manage your staff. In every way, things are getting better. <- i want to. badly!
One of your stellar days this month for your career will be November 7, when your vision and creativity should be rewarded in a very substantial way. It's clear you will convince a certain VIP of your value on this day, so make sure you schedule an important meeting or presentation. <- perhaps u are referring to interview?
If you need to move to a new house or apartment, or have other housing or real estate concerns, you should see a breakthrough near November 24, and in the days surrounding that date. <- this wont happen yet.
Stay very optimistic about home and family matters, confident that you will find the right situation or solution, even if your luck was not that strong in recent months. Due to the movements of Uranus this month and Neptune last month, you have a very different environment emerging. You will see progress not only at month's end but also in months to come. Early February may prove to be an especially vital time for real estate progress, possibly your best, but you can see some upbeat changes already at the end of November. Romantically, you have a very strong month, as Uranus, now in your fifth house of true love, is being very cooperative to other planets. If you are single and do meet someone new, your meeting would likely come suddenly, when you least expect one to occur. Watch the days surrounding November 24, when Uranus will go direct after having been retrograde since the end of June. This is an enormously important change that will help your love life. You should see a change in the days surrounding that date - some sort of sign that clearly tells you that a new day is dawning! Attached Scorpios will get into better sync too and can now look forward to a truly happy holiday season. Discussions about children or a new baby could easily come up now and it will be up to you to decide what you would like to do. Most romantic evenings: November 7, 9 - 11, and 21. <- woo.. how do i get romantic. i am soooooo not romantic. i yearn for romantic but i reject romantic. argh. i will cry. When it comes to health, you are in an especially strong position. If you need an operation or procedure (including dental work), you may decide to have it done near November 24 due to the full moon bringing things to fullness. <- i actually want to see the dentist one of the day.. half year le... cant make it on time. Need one month booking in advance.
If you plan to have elective surgery, such as cosmetic surgery, you may want to wait until Mars goes direct. However, Mercury will be retrograde again at the end of January, so it would be better, actually, to wait until March and bypass the eclipse at the end of February. In March, Mars will be in Gemini, so any operation would be fine to schedule, EXCEPT surgery on your hands, fingers, shoulders, ribs, or arms. (We never chose to operate on the part of the body that is ruled by the sign that Mars is visiting at the time.) <- der~~
At month's end, the full moon will emphasize money matters too, bringing to culmination matters centering on credit, loans, and joint funds. The type of funds you may be thinking about include such examples as: venture capital, mortgage or refinancing plans, commissions, royalties, child support payments, insurance payments, pensions, inheritance, or financial aid - there are more areas, but you get the idea. If you need to settle the division of property in a divorce, it would most likely happen at this point. If money comes in, it would come to you in one large chunk. If you owe money, it seems to require a check equally large, but you seem to have enough to cover the amount due. So as you see, money may come in, money may go out, or you may experience a little of both. Dear Scorpio, you truly have a wonderful birthday month, and next month your outlook gets even better. You have so much to look forward to, so don't be too concerned with what happens at this full moon. With your golden aspects, there will be no clouds to mar your glorious month. Summary <-aiya... should read this instead.. dots.
It's birthday month, and you're feeling excited. Romance is in the air and life seems as close to ideal as you've ever seen it. Planets creating a near-perfect triangle pattern will work in unison to help create quite a bewitching time for you. Exciting romantic episodes and foreign travel will combine to create a month to remember for a long time - even forever. While you have the first few days (November 4 and 7) to help you get closer to your heart's desires, the month will really take off once the new moon arrives, November 9. In the few days that follow that new moon, you'll be ready to tell the universe what it is that you really want - and get it. Love with someone near will be true and deep now, and you will have the capability to feel the full extent of life's pleasures. You may now get engaged or wed for your birthday - if this hasn't just recently happened, it would be an ideal time. Later, when Uranus turns direct on November 24 your social life will take off, and single Scorpios who have been saying there have been "slim pickings" out there will be delighted at the more substantial types that will show up. If things have been a bit dull, they won't be that way for long! Uranus has been out of phase since June 23, but will now move in a strong, sure course. Your weeks and months ahead will be chock full of wonder and light. There will be so many days to enjoy ahead! Foreign travel is also such a strong possibility that if you're not flying to a faraway land for a honeymoon, it surely could be that you're planning a trip for another reason. Mars, your ruler, will go retrograde on November 15, so try to go during the first half of the month when your journey will be more enjoyable and productive. If you are dealing with business interests abroad, the same rule applies - make a push for closure early in the month. Later, from November 15 to January 30, spend time reassessing your projects and delay on key actions. Certain financial deals and maneuvers will mark the time around the full moon, November 24. If you are to wed soon, you may be changing your name on your credit cards and generally deciding how to merge funds. If you need funds to buy a house, or to go to college, or start a business, an answer from your banker, financial aid advisor, or venture capitalist could please you at this time. While you may have to pay money out, you have a wonderful chart for seeing more flow in. There is no reason to be too concerned. Dear Scorpio, the world is your oyster! Matchmaker
I am Scorpio, My Lover is Taurus You are salt, Taurus is pepper; you are the cup, Taurus is the saucer. As opposite as you two are, you match up famously! Your Taurus lover is an earth sign, you are a water sign, and this adds up to one fertile mix! <- lol. we are fertilizer. haha
Neither of you is a social butterfly in the way an Aries or a Libra can be. <- anata is very sociable . At least more than i do. He does all the entertaining stuff all the time. hmm. You two love to stay home and listen to some music, or pop a good murder mystery into the VCR (Scorpio's suggestion) <- i do like to stay home and watch tv but not murder mystery. hehe. and pour a glass of fine red wine to have with some fruit. Afterwards, it's time to make love. <- i can't take alcohol. I can eat the fruit. <- =.= oh please.
You and Taurus have a good, healthy attitude toward sex. <- not again! =.= Weekends, according to both of you, are just made to while away together in bed. <- i like to sleep. k. Sexually, you answer one another's needs perfectly, and afterwards, you feel physically and emotionally fulfilled. <- undeniable. but.... Taurus are patient and like to take their time with lovemaking, much to your delight<- dots...not again. I know the horoscope always say scopions have high sex drive. But it does not apply to all... So please. Taurus will never rush, for they approach love the way they would approach a fine meal -- with relish, great anticipation, and a discriminating palate to make it a perfect experience overall. <- so sophisticated? ur english is supa powa. You, Scorpio, want to explore the depths of your Taurus lover's soul. <- wah..soul?! hmm.. sounded so shinigami. Even though your Taurus won't have the same need to know you all the way down to your bones, being an open person, your lover will tell you whatever you want to know. <- true in some other forms. He will always know exactly what i want which i am very proud of and like it most. This is especially good, for while you're curious about your Taurus, you don't like to reveal much about yourself in the beginning. <- indeed. I hate explaining. that makes me unable to become a teacher.
Both of you are possessive and prone to jealously, so luckily you understand each other. <- jealousy... hmm... yeap yeap. am i? hmmm...so far ok.. he is very guai. Your outbursts of temper won't ruffle this Venus-ruled lover. Taurus will just shake off your anger with a shrug, knowing these clouds will pass. <- with his naggings, u mean? You two favor a daily routine over constant changes in your lifestyle, which you both find exhausting and a waste of time. <- it all depends. If all's good, why change?
Fidelity will be strong in this match because neither of you could bear telling your life stories to one stranger after another. Your good sex life will help sustain years of closeness, <- so far so good. and your sensuous attitude will ensure that you continue to savor one another's charms. <- piggy's charm... xiaomao's charm... bleah... praising myself is really not very ME! This combination is a positive yes! <- so ....great!!! happy to see that. haha. Labels: All my nonsense
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